Each industry has its own unique challenges.
Without detailed, first-hand knowledge of daily operations no provider can deliver thoroughly effective solutions.
The family of World Procurement companies specializes in providing effective solutions to the following markets:
EDUCATION. We have spent years working hand-in-hand with the educational sector to develop the best, most
innovative solutions to address challenges associated with; Textbooks, Quotes, Budget Management, Minority Participation,
Grants, P-Cards, Gift Cards, Staff Turnover, and more.
GOVERNMENT. Our staff has over 34 years of combined experience within the Federal, State, and Local Government
sectors. Our team has developed an impressive array of solutions centered around efficiency, flexibility, transparency
and accountability. So whether it is a solution for immediately notifying tens of thousands of bidders flawlessly,
or integrating dissimilar, often legacy systems for Agency wide transparency and accountability, we have the technology,
experience, and know-how to exceed expectations.
MILITARY. Procurement, inventory and logistics has become increasingly challenging for the military as it
strives to deliver product and performance to meet a wide variety of operational requirements in rapidly changing
environments. On the battlefield, "Just In Time" is too late.
The development of new technologies and
rapidly changing products has exceeded most supply chain management capabilities, but not for us. The use of
Artificial Intelligence, IPv6, nanotechnologies, real-time secure data communication, and direct electronic supplier
communication; reduces cost, nearly eliminates outages, and takes the supply chain to unprecedented levels of efficiency.
If it can be done, we can do it for millions of dollars less.
HEALTHCARE. With over 15 years of experience in the Healthcare sector, we understand the importance of improving
patient care, controlling costs, meeting government regulations and compliance mandates. Our Healthcare solutions are
platform agnostic and can address procurement-to-payment challenges through automation, streamlining and integration.
Perform Web-based reporting, manage spend, ensure contract compliance, and track key performance indicators across
the enterprise. Chances are, if you have a challenge, we have a solution.